May 17     

Today's quotation:

I trust life not because I trust the world, but because I trust the God who lives in my heart.

Marianne Williamson

Today's Meditation:

It's nice to see someone refer to the God who lives in her heart rather than the God who lives up in Heaven and looks down on us and judges us constantly.  A God that lives in my heart knows me, and is knowable by me.  A God that lives in my heart can truly and lovingly guide me, as long as I keep myself open to hearing the gentle suggestions that God makes.

The world itself is completely objective, and doesn't want bad or good for us.  It just keeps on keeping on, maintaining the systems and structures that make it what it is.  God, on the other hand, wants what's best for us.  It's easy for us not to trust that, though, because we don't see or touch or smell God.  God just is.

When we trust God to lead us in ways that are healthy and good for us, then we can trust that life will fall into place.  We can trust that what we do from a place of love and integrity will be the right thing, even if we don't see the immediate results that we'd like to see.  We can trust that life will provide for us and we can live from a place of trust rather than a place of fear or confusion or anxiety.

God is here, right now.  God is what you perceive God to be, for God is within you, and you can trust yourself.  God is that part of us that is connected to all other people and all other things.  Wherever you are, God is there, too, in your heart.  When you trust in this truth, trust in life becomes easy.  As you trust more in life, then you start to see more and more reasons to trust as things work out for the best, for you and those you love.

Questions to consider:

Where do most of our ideas about what God is come from?

What are some things that make trusting life difficult?

What are some of the most important elements of trusting God?  How can we develop that trust?

For further thought:

Remember always that there are two things which are more utterly incompatible even than oil and water, and these two are trust and worry.  Can you call it trust, when you have given the saving and keeping of your soul into the hands of God, if day after day you are spending hours of anxious thought and questionings about the matter?  When people really trust anything, they cease to worry about the thing they have trusted.

Hannah Whitall Smith

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