October 11    

Today's quotation:

One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes.. . . and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Today's Meditation:

I do like to think that I have a philosophy of life.  I'm not sure, though, that my actions fully reflect it, that the choices I make present to the world someone who is actually living his philosophy.  If there's congruency between my philosophy and the choices I make in life, then the world will see a person who is at peace, even when things seem to be going poorly.  If there's incongruence between my philosophy and my choices, though, then I'm probably not living up to my responsibility of making choices that reflect my life view.

I'm going to make choices today, and I hope that they'll be positive ones, choices that contribute to the peace and love and compassion in the world, even in my own small way.  I hope that my feeling that life is to be lived fully will be reflected in those choices, and that I don't make choices based on whatever happens to be easiest at the moment, or on whatever will benefit me the most if it will hurt other people.

My life is out there for all to see, and I can only hope that people see a person who makes good choices that benefit the greater good, and not just himself.  I have a responsibility to the world to be the best me I possibly can be, and to be genuinely and authentically me-- and whether I am or not is definitely a result of the choices I make, today and every day.

If you see me live my life, I truly hope that you can get a very good idea of the philosophies that guide my life.

Questions to consider:

How are your philosophies reflected in your choices?

Why do many people never bother to consider their philosophies on life and living?

How can your choices benefit others?

For further thought:

Know how to choose well.  Most of life depends thereon.  It needs good taste and correct judgment, for which neither intellect nor study suffices.

Baltazar Gracian

more thoughts and ideas on choice



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