October 2     

Today's quotation:

They will say you are on the wrong road, if it is your own.

Antonio Porchi

Today's Meditation:

How nice it is to have someone else traveling on the same road that we're on!  How nice it is to have company!  But how deceptive it is, too, to have other people tell us that we're on the wrong path in life simply because they'd like to have some company on the path that they're on!

We must all walk our own paths-- but only if we want to find our own ways and live our own lives in the most authentic ways that we can.  Following someone else's path never will get us where we want and need to be, simply because other people have different callings, different needs, different strengths and weaknesses, and when we try to walk with them in their direction, we find that our own strengths aren't necessarily appropriate in the places where we find ourselves.

It's easy for others to criticize us and say that we're going in the wrong direction and doing the wrong types of things.  Usually when we're truly on our own paths, it's difficult for others to understand where we are or our need to be there.  It's up to us to develop the strength to resist the temptation to join others just because it's the easiest thing to do-- after all, our journeys here on earth aren't necessarily about finding the easiest ways out of things.

If the path you are on is your own, then celebrate!  Love the path and love the journey, and don't allow anyone else to turn you from the path that you know you need to be on if you're to become the person you're meant to be while here on this great planet of ours.

Questions to consider:

Are you truly on your own path?

Why might others be interested in telling us that we're on the wrong path?

What can you do when others tell you that you're on the wrong path?

For further thought:

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.  Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.

H. Jackson Browne

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