October 30     

Today's quotation:

Unless your heart, your soul, and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty, and each action will be meaningless.  Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.

Kathleen Pedersen

Today's Meditation:

I suppose it's rather easy to feel that our decisions aren't all that important.  Some of them, after all, are quite minor and don't really have much of an effect on our lives or the lives of other people.  Or so we think.  Perhaps the fact is just that the minor ones are easier to make, so we don't think so much about our commitment to those particular decisions.

But if our hearts aren't into our decisions, then just what do those decisions mean?  If our beings aren't tied into the decisions that we make, then how can our actions provide us with the satisfaction that results when we are truly committed to our decisions?

Making decisions with the entirety of our being doesn't necessarily mean that they're written in stone, and perhaps that's why many people aren't willing to put everything into every decision they make.  Perhaps they're afraid of doing something permanent that can't be undone even if it turns out to be a mistake.  But changing a mistaken decision is as simple as putting our whole hearts behind a new decision.

Decision-making is one of the most important skills we can develop if we want to be happy.  Being confident in our decisions and making them based on what we truly feel to be true and important is the only way to make decisions that we not only can live with, but that will allow us to thrive and prosper as a result of their making.  Unfortunately, we learn to make decisions off the cuff, and we learn to belittle the significance of many of the decisions we make each day.  It's time to unlearn the learning that trivializes decision-making, and make the process one of the most important parts of our lives.

Questions to consider:

How important is decision-making in your life?

Do you make decisions with all your heart and soul?

How can we be untruthful if we don't put our whole selves behind our decisions?

For further thought:

It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.

Roy Disney

When one bases one's life on principle, 99 percent of his or her decisions are already made.


more thoughts and ideas on decision-making



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