like dull and grubby-- there's nothing wrong with it. I
think it's when people start to think that "there has
to be more to life than this" that their own sense of
dissatisfaction turns their lives into something less than
they truly are. Life doesn't become unsatisfying-- we
start to see it as such, and our belief makes it so.
have to accept the routine and work from there. Within
each day is the potential and possibility for a great deal
of inspiration-- artistic and emotional and
intellectual. When we start wishing that life were
more, then we stop seeing the abundance that exists here
among the dullness and grubbiness of our everyday lives.
treasure may be in the words of a friend or family member
that inspire you to write a novel, a poem, or an
article. Listen carefully to everyone today-- can you
hear the inspiration?
inspiration may be in a flower or an animal or a person's
face that makes you want to take a photo or draw or paint a
picture. Look carefully today-- can you see the
you hear the song of the bird or the wind, and can you
imagine a piece of music that would reflect what you
hear? Can you taste the wonderful flavors of something
new that may inspire you to cook something new and
unique? Can you feel the texture of the tree's bark or
the dog's fur or the rock's surface that inspires you to
think of feeling in new ways?
of these things are here, all day, every day. The
problem comes up when we fail to see them because we tend to get caught up in the routine and
then fail to
realize that within the routine lie many, many treasures,
ours for the taking.