all of your decisions will be correct. None of us is
perfect. But if you
get into the habit of making decisions,
will develop your judgment to a point where more and more
your decisions will be right. After all, it is better to be
51 percent of the time and get something done, than it is to
nothing done because you fear to reach a decision.
people fear making decisions because they fear that they'll
be wrong. They fear making mistakes and then being
mocked or ridiculed or being held responsible for those
mistakes. Probably the most tragic result of these
fears is that they never learn what it's like to make a
decision that's right, that's effective, that's
helpful. They go through their lives deferring to
others, letting others make decisions for them.
never had this problem, fortunately. At times, though,
my decisions have been flawed because of my fear of being
wrong, and I've made decisions that my heart told me were
wrong because I thought others would want me to make them
that way. Most of the time, though, I have no problems
making decisions and sticking to them and taking
responsibility for them.
of the reason that it's so easy for me is that there are so
few other people who are willing to do so. It reaches
a point at which someone has to decide, so I do so.
know when I'm deciding, though, that my decision may be
wrong. I hold no illusions that my decisions are
always the best course of action. But at least I try,
and at least I don't regret later having missed out on an
important opportunity to make a decision that affects my
life directly.
will be wrong--and I'll be wrong often, I'm sure. But
it's often better to be wrong than it is to do nothing at
all, for in being wrong, we learn. In doing nothing,
we stay at the same place.