Some have narrowed their minds,
so fettered them with the
chains of antiquity
that not
only do they refuse to speak save as
the ancients spake,
but they refuse to think save as the ancients
thought. God speaks to us, too, and the best thoughts
now being vouchsafed to us. We will excel the
do we get so attached to the things that have been passed
down to us from generation to generation over the course of
many, many years? Why do we so often see the words of
some guy who wrote 1,000 years ago as somehow more valid
than our own thoughts? If God is everywhere and
omniscient, as most of us believe, no one in the history of
the world has been any closer to God than you are right
now. If that's the case, trust yourself! Trust
your thoughts and your urges and your ideas, for you are a
wonderful creation who is living right here, right now, just
like the rest of us.
a shame that we don't give ourselves more credit, and that
we stay tied to the thoughts and beliefs of people who came
before us. When we do so, it keeps us from exploring
our own inspiration in order to develop our own beliefs that
we can live by. And any time we try to live by someone
else's beliefs about what our lives should be like, we do
ourselves a great disservice, and we keep ourselves from
growing and learning from our own mistakes and successes.
been given the gift of a great deal of history that we can
learn from, but that history should help us to develop
ourselves, and not keep us chained to the beliefs and
thoughts of people who didn't have the advantage of many
years of development of newer thoughts. Athletes
improve over the years because they learn from those who
came before them and they add their own training and
performance techniques to what was there already. An
athlete who doesn't do so stays at the same level always,
rather stagnant, never progressing.
spirits call us to grow and to listen and to trust ourselves
and our God, whatever we perceive God to be. No one
ever has been closer to God than we are, right here, right
Questions to ponder:
1. What sorts of things might make
you think you're further away from God than other people might be?
2. How would feeling closer to God
affect your life?
3. When God speaks to you, do you
listen, or do you filter it through the beliefs of others? |