Any path is only a path, and there is
no affront, to oneself or to others,
in dropping it if that
is what your heart tells you. . . .
Look at
every path closely and deliberately.
Try it as many times as
you think necessary.
Then ask yourself, and yourself alone,
one question.
. . . Does this path have a heart?
If it does,
the path is good; if it doesn't it is of
no use.
Carlos Castaneda
will I be doing tomorrow? Where will I be? With
whom will I be? While I can't predict the future, of
course, I do know that the answers to these questions to a
great extent depend on what I do today, on decisions I make
about which road to get on right here, right now.
There is usually, of course, no right or wrong road, and we may end
up going down several different roads for different aspects
of our lives, but we do have many decisions to make.
do like Castaneda's idea of paths having heart, though, for
that gives us a very important criterion for choosing the
paths that will take us into our futures. To me, the
idea of a path having heart means that the path is one that
will lead me to compassion, to love, to caring, to the
better parts of myself. If a path has no heart, then
it will be empty and barren, and while it may lead me to a
certain outcome, I will learn very little there and I'll be
able to share little of who I am.
choose paths every day. Today I will choose certain
paths in certain relationships, in my job, in my personal
life, in my education. And if I can look at those
paths closely and objectively, I can make a difference in
how my tomorrows turn out when they become todays, for if
I'm on heart-filled path, it will bring out the better parts
of who I am. And that, to me, is the most important
part of anything I do.