When I think of my past, I try to
dwell on the good times, the happy moments, and not to be
haunted by the bad. . .
To me the gift of life is contained in the command,
whatever happens: “Don’t
let it get you. Just
keep on going.” Thus,
I try to think of the good that I have already experienced
and what will still be coming.
Rose Kennedy
is an awful lot of good in the world. In
all of our lives, there have been many, many good
moments. I could write a very long book about the
bad things that have happened in my life, but those things
no longer interest me. And I don't believe the
people who say that I have to remember those things or
else I'm just repressing memories-- there's nothing saying
that I have to continue to focus on things that have
happened in my past, whether bad or good. I'm not
hurting myself at all by focusing on the positive; rather,
I'm helping myself by helping my body and mind to be
affected by the positive energy this world has to offer,
and I'm keeping my mind on the things that truly matter.
I've learned from my negative experiences, but I've also
let go of the vast majority of them (I'm still working on
it!). This allows me to find more and more positive
things in my life and in the world, because I'm not
bringing myself down by continually reminding myself of
the negative.
are many haunted people in the world, people unable or
unwilling to leave behind for always the negative things
that have happened to them. The bad
things of the past continue to hurt them-- they hurt them
when they happened, they hurt them today because the
memories keep them down, and they'll hurt them tomorrow
when they continue to focus on them.