all undergoing transformations all the time, whether we
recognize it or not. We're all changing constantly,
becoming something different than we were the day before,
someone different than we were last week. Many
people fear these changes and try to hold on to the status
quo, whatever it is, just because it feels safe to
do so.
fears are based on a bit of pessimism, without a
doubt. But should we be pessimistic? Is our
pessimism justified? Have things turned out so badly
in the past that we should be pessimistic about the
future? The truth of the matter is that we simply
don't know what the future holds, and we should try to
keep in mind that life generally brings very positive
things our way.
course, the truly pessimistic person may argue that we
don't know enough to be optimistic, either. But
that's where faith in life and living comes in. If we have this faith, we know
that things will turn out for the best-- as long as we
continue to do our best and not give in to the negative
thoughts and fears that plague us. As long as we
continue to do our best and accept that change and
uncertainty are going to be part of our lives forever, we
will be able to function well in the present moment
because we know that there will be good in our future, no
matter how our thoughts may be guiding us right now.
change--revel in the idea that you are going to be a more
loving, more caring, more compassionate person in your
future. And without change, that never would be