does the mysterious scare us so? Why is something
threatening simply because it's unknown? Many people
have spent much of their time and effort trying to explain
the mysterious, probably in order to make themselves more
comfortable. After all, we like to be able to
explain things-- we feel better when we know explanations
for what happens to us and around us.
what if we were to let the mysterious stay
mysterious? What if we didn't try to explain what's
going to happen to us when we die, and just accepted the
fact that something will happen, and we'll deal with it
then? What if we didn't worry so much about the
processes involved in birth and life and growth and
development, and just let them be what they are?
Explanations are important in many cases, but a sense of
wonder in the face of the wonderful is important if we're
to get the most that we can out of this wonderful life.
we can experience the mysterious without trying to explain
it, we come close to being in touch with the abundant life
in this world. The mysterious piques our
imaginations and draws us to it. It drives us to
create and learn and appreciate, and it's a shame when we
learn to explain things away with mere words and theory--
the beauty of a rainbow is not contained in the
explanation of how the light and water work together to
create colors, but in the moment of seeing it stretching
across the skies in its glorious majesty.
around. Right now, there are many things within
reach at which you can wonder, things that can give you a
great sense of appreciation for this world and our places
in it.