always had a hard time taking from others, from material
goods to compliments to encouragement. I've always
had a mindset that made me believe that I wasn't really
deserving of being given things, and I've always been very
awkward when others have tried to give to me.
I started thinking about how others feel when they want to
give and can't, receiving was almost impossible for
me. But I somehow realized that if I don't allow
others to give to me-- and if I'm unable to receive
graciously-- I'm robbing them of one of the nicest feelings
in the world, that of giving to someone else and having
that gift (or advice, or compliment) received by a
grateful recipient.
I've trained myself to be a grateful recipient. It
hasn't always been easy, but I know that what I receive is
balanced by what I give, and I try to give a lot. I
can add a very pleasant feeling to someone else's day just
by saying "thank you very much" instead of
"I'm sorry, but I can't take that from you," or
"No, you're wrong because I'm not deserving of that
compliment." I've trained myself to say simply
"Thank you" without any other words attached,
and I've noticed that I feel much better about myself when
I do so.
is blessed to receive with grace." I love the
feeling that I get when I give to someone else, but if I
cannot receive graciously, I'm robbing others of the
chance to feel that same great feeling that I so love.