quick we are to discount our feelings as "just"
feelings! How easy it is for us to look at our
feelings as being somehow "inferior" to our
logic and our rational thoughts! What a mistake this
is, on so many levels-- the fact is that our feelings
comprise one of the most important elements of who we are
as human beings. Our feelings are completely unique,
and they have much to teach us about ourselves and our
places in this world and how we fit in with all around us.
we see a feeling as an "instinct," we tend to
give it more value, to see it as more valid. But why
do we see only our instincts as being so valuable?
What about our feelings of pleasure-- aren't they an
indication that something is very valuable to us?
What about our feelings of unease-- can't they tell us that
something isn't good for us? They can if we learn to
read them, understand them, and trust them.
all had the experience of a salesperson approaching us and
trying to make it seem as if he or she really is
interested in us as people-- but our feelings tell us that
this person is interested in us only so long as we
represent a potential sale. In a case such as this,
our feelings can give us an important warning about the
motivations behind the person's words and actions, and
possibly protect us from entering into an agreement that
will hurt us. If we let them.
feelings are just as much a part of you as your logical
thoughts and your rationality. The question is
simple: do you allow them to have as prominent a
place in your life as they deserve?