have many blessings in my life. Sometimes I start to
get focused on blessings that I wish I had, but don't, or
on blessings that other people have, but I don't.
Those are the times that I do myself a disservice, for
that's when I sabotage myself. By focusing on what I
don't have, or the areas of lack in my life, I attract
more lack. If I can pay attention to the many
blessings that are a part of my life, I can attract many
more blessings.
a generous person who gives you a lot of something, be it
money, love, or whatever else you can imagine. If
you delight in the gift and appreciate it and love it,
then that person has motivation to give you more; after
all, most of us love to give to an appreciative
recipient. If, on the other hand, you say
"That's all?" or "That's not exactly what I
wanted," what kind of motivation would that person--
or anyone else for that matter-- have for giving
you anything else?
must focus on the blessings if we're going to do service
to life. Life has provided us many, many blessings,
yet our tendency is to take them for granted and not
recognize them for the wonderful blessings they are.
And when we do this, we lose out. We don't attract
more blessings when we neglect to turn our attention to
the blessings that already are a great part of our
existence. And that's a shame, for life is all about
receiving and appreciating blessings, and they could come
in an endless stream if we'd just start attracting them by
appreciating and loving those we already have.