most important message of all concerning success is that
since each one of us will define success and determine
success based on our individual wants, needs, and
callings, there simply can be no secret that encompasses
everyone. There are certain principles that one can
follow to achieve great numbers of sales or high grades in
school or even healthy relationships, but the idea of
success is such a unique idea for each of us that there's
no way that there can be a secret of success that will
work for everyone.
that's not a negative thing to say. Our uniqueness
is one of our greatest assets; our individuality is one of
the things that's most worthy of celebrating in this life
of ours. So why should we imagine that there can be
one path to success, one secret that applies to everyone?
I want to be successful, then I must follow my
heart. But following my heart may keep me earning
much less money than following my logic would-- but are my
accomplishments any less valuable because of that? I
can be successful on my own terms, following my own muses,
but not following any secret that's been passed on from
someone else.
the point that Elbert may be trying to make, in different
words, is that "there's no set of rules that will
guarantee success." Or perhaps he's saying that
everything that we need to succeed in the world is already
before us and within us, and that it isn't any secret at
matter how we read his words, though, it's important to
keep in mind that the only true success is the success
that comes from us following our hearts, our consciences,
and our passions. Such success will be the most
gratifying of all, and the most long-lasting.