we walk in love and reverence, it certainly can lead us
down some very lonely roads. Are we willing to face
the isolation and solitude that almost certainly result
from such a focus, or does our unwillingness to set
ourselves a standard and stick to it keep us from always
walking in love and reverence?
you imagine what our lives would be like if our focus
always was on loving other human beings and ourselves and
revering all that exists on this beautiful planet of
ours? I know that in my life, the times when I'm
able to be clearly conscious of the love that surrounds me
are among the brightest, most spectacular times that I
experience. The times are not nearly as bright when
my focus is on worrying about money, thinking about
tedious or annoying aspects of work or my day-to-day life,
or on similar things.
people fill their lives with information and obligations,
or spend their focus on television shows or other types of
entertainment. When my focus is on the performances
of American Idol contestants or on the way a
co-worker gossips about everyone else, then my mind is on
those things almost exclusively at any given moment.
But if I make a conscious effort to keep my focus on love,
I may not be able to take part in conversations about last
night's episode or to share my displeasure about my
co-worker. I may feel very solitary and lonely if
I'm not able to discuss my own journey following the path
of love, because others just may not understand where I'm
coming from.
when we keep in mind that we are eternal beings, it
becomes clear that the more eternal aspects of life are
much more important for us to develop--our love and
spirituality and reverence will last much longer and be
much more important than our retained information or
fleeting feelings.