wise people theorize that all that we seek in life already
is within us, patiently waiting to be uncovered, exposed,
used. Unfortunately, though, we live in societies
that encourage us to look outside ourselves for
fulfillment and growth and learning. These two
perspectives, then, are constantly at odds. The
latter one is more full of immediate gratification,
though, so we tend to look to it also for our long-term
gratification, which is a big mistake for it offers almost
none of that at all.
us are amazing ideas, secrets, abilities, and talents,
just waiting for us to trust ourselves enough to let them
out into the light of day. They're waiting for us to
expose them little by little, piece by piece, as we go
about on our journeys through this lifetime. Why,
then, do we trust ourselves so little, keeping these
wonderful parts of ourselves hidden away?
outside of ourselves, we learn very little about our true
nature as human beings. Looking outside ourselves,
we don't take the opportunity to learn more about
ourselves, about what's inside of us, about what we're
ultimately seeking in life. We get caught up in the
idea that our ultimate goals are somewhere out there, and
we lose the realization that our ultimate goals are peace
of mind and peace of heart and fulfillment with our lives,
and those can come only from inside.
education, professions, social constructs--all teach us
that fulfillment and peace will come as a result of
something outside. But you have those things
already, and you'll find it only if you start paying
attention to what already is a part of you. Then
you'll find out the truth about your own wonderful self
and the amazing potential that you have for greatness,
peace, and happiness.