could be the most misunderstood force in our lives.
Many of us use it solely as a refuge in times of trouble,
as if we keep it in reserve for when things go bad.
But prayer during the good times can be one of the most
important elements of our lives. Think of it in
physical terms--when are we the most effective physically,
when we're down and out or when we're feeling very good
and things are going well? When do we have the most
strength and endurance? When are we more able to
help others? Likewise, prayer can be strong and
effective when we're at our strongest--yet we neglect
prayer at those times because we think of it as something
that we have only to pull us out of holes.
how would our prayers for others feel if they were coming
from a place of strength? How would our prayers for
the world feel if we were to pray in our days of
plenty? How much strength could we give our prayers
when we feel joyous, exuberant, alive? How much
enthusiasm and love could we put into prayers on the good
is it possible that such prayers might be added to the
positive energy of the world, helping the positive to grow
in strength?
in times of distress tend to be for ourselves, or they
tend to take on a tone of desperation. Prayers in
times of abundance can help us to contribute to the good
and the positive and the uplifting and the encouraging of
the world, and such a contribution can be a boon not only
to ourselves, but to everyone else.