kind of sad to see how many people think that happiness is
somewhere "out there," that situations and
circumstances have to end up being just right in order for
them to be happy. By thinking of happiness as
something outside of themselves and something that is the
result of outside forces, they're simply robbing
themselves of many moments, hours, even days or weeks of
happy living. And while most of us would define
"happiness" somewhat differently from each
other, we still all strive to be happy-- and suffer
somewhat when we aren't.
we think that there's some sort of key that will open a
door to happiness--more money, a better job, just the
right partner, less stress--then we're putting the
possibility of being happy outside of ourselves and
delaying the possibility of happiness in our own
lives. It comes only from inside of ourselves, in
our ability to love and cherish and accept life and
others. It comes in our ability to give and to
share, to appreciate and to recognize the abundance that
already is ours. It comes when we stop trying to
control other people and their situations. It comes
when we stop waiting for the key and dare to turn to face
the door ourselves.
can be very surprising to find that it's unlocked-- and not
just unlocked, but wide open, just waiting for us to step
through. And it's right there, right now. And
the only condition necessary for us to pass through that
door to experience our happiness is our willing to take
that first step, to move on to a different level of
experiencing our lives.
what are we waiting for?