can I be me, and truly me? How must I live so that
all of my actions are authentically me, true reflections
of who I am as a human being? These are difficult
questions to answer, of course, but not impossible.
And it may be easier to answer them with words than it is
to demonstrate them with actions-- though the actions are a
truer indicator of who I truly am.
know plenty of people who talk a good talk, but whose
actions reflect a lack of honesty and integrity.
I've worked with people who are quick to tell everyone
what great workers they are, but who are the first to
shirk their responsibilities and try to get out of
whatever they can, leaving others to pick up the slack for
them. I know people who tell me how much they can be
trusted, but who turn around and violate other people's
trust constantly.
truth of who I am is within me, but I have to decide
whether I want it to be a guiding force in my life if it's
to become just that. And once that decision is made,
I'll face a constant series of decisions that will
challenge me to stick to it: our lives are made up
of little decisions each day that reflect our
authenticity-- or the lack of it.
I'm real and authentic in all of my actions, then people
will know who I am and I'll be functioning on a level of
true authenticity. And I'll be truly unique because
so few people are willing to explore their authenticity
and then try to live it.