June 14
has made at least a start on discovering
the meaning of human life when one plants trees
under which one knows full well he or she will never sit.
Elton Trueblood
is a beautiful statement on giving. So much of the
giving that we witness in life comes with the expectation
of some sort of gratification in return, either in the
form of thanks or recognition, that sometimes we lose
sight of what true giving is meant to be. But there
is in our hearts a concept of true giving, and that's
giving with absolutely no conditions or expectations
attached. If I plant a shade tree today that won't
mature for forty or fifty years, I can almost guarantee
you that I won't be around when others are enjoying its
shade-- and that should not matter to me one bit.
it doesn't stop there. Trueblood here tells us that
this giving is "a start on discovering the meaning of
human life." Can he really be saying that
giving is behind the meaning of life? Perhaps it
could be true, for unconditional giving can be the result
only of unconditional love and respect for our fellow
human beings, and in giving without conditions we are
contributing to the good of the collective whole of
humanity. And perhaps that's what life and love are
all about.
are many things that I can give today for which I'll never
see any results. A compliment here, a bit of
encouragement there, a smile over there, and I'll be
planting seeds of positiveness, seeds that I won't see
grow into whole trees or even tiny flowers, but which most
certainly will be positive parts of this world in which we
all live.
Questions to
What kinds of things have you given for which you never
see results?
Is it possible that giving could be at the root of the
meaning of life?
Why is it difficult for many people to give
unconditionally? |
For further
strength, give thought, give deeds, give wealth;
Give love, give tears, and give thyself.
Give, give, be always living.
Who gives not is not living;
The more you give, the more you live.
thoughts and ideas on giving
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