I find myself not even starting something because I think
that it will take too much time. And then a few
months later I think about that something again and I
realize: I'd be done by now if I had started back
then. It's not the best feeling in the world to
reach that realization. When I do, I think about
lost opportunities and of the things I might have done if
I had just given myself the chance to do them.
may take you a long time to write that novel, but if you
start it and do just a page a day, you'll have 365 pages a
year from now. And that year would have gone by
anyway, whether you worked on the novel or not. It
may seem like a daunting task to get the yard cleaned up,
but if you don't start it there's one guarantee-- you never
will clean it up.
are many things that we would like to accomplish in life,
and many things that we never start because we have a bit
of fear that we may not finish them or that they may be
more difficult than we thought they'd be. But even
if we start and don't finish, at least we haven't let the
fear of the thing keep us from beginning something we felt
we needed to begin.
keeps going on and on, and there's nothing we can do about
that. There is, however, something we can do about
what we do with our time. Someday years from now, I
hope to look back and say that even if I didn't accomplish
all I wanted, at least I gave everything my best effort
and didn't back off because I was afraid it might take too
much time.