can be quite liberating to realize that we haven't yet
found "our place" in this world. For some
strange reason, we grow up thinking that we're mature
enough and wise enough in our late teens to choose a
direction for our entire life, and once we go to college
and get a degree, then we've set ourselves up for life in
the career that will be best for us during our entire time
here on this planet.
as we grow, learn, and mature, there's a very good chance
that if we stick with something a very long time, we may
find ourselves with a growing discontent, with a strong
realization that what we're doing isn't exactly fulfilling
to us, that we've somehow stopped growing and developing
in our skills and talents. This is not a bad thing
if we don't take it as one--it's simply our spirit's way
of pushing us gently in another direction.
feeling may discourage some who have grown accustomed to
the "safety" and "security" of having
work that they know well and that pays well. But
just because a job has become easy to do or just because
it fills the bank account does not necessarily make it
right for us if it's not nurturing our spirit.
Likewise, the dread and fear of potential failure and/or
hard times financially may keep one from reaching out for
other avenues of fulfillment. Risk is a difficult
thing, and it's not usually easy to face when one has
become comfortable and the risk doesn't seem completely
place is out there, and it's probably closer than you
think. What do your conscience and your deepest
desires tell you about what you should be doing?
You'll find your truest answers there, and there's no need
to risk everything and jump into the first thing that
seems to be right--work your way into it gradually, lest
this, too, turns out to be a direction that isn't
completely right for you.