can we do for children? Is providing food, shelter
and clothing enough for these young human beings whom
we've brought into the world, or is there more that we can
give them, more that we need to give them so that they can
thrive and learn and grow?
course there's more. We can give them love--we can
share our love by encouraging them, we can model love in
the ways that we deal with others. We can show them
what it means to be loving and caring people only by
actually being loving and caring people, and then they'll
see that there is room for love and caring in this world.
learn much more out of school than they do within the
often-stifling walls of the classroom. Far too
often, they learn about hatred and avarice and greed and
jealousy and other awful things that human beings tend to
focus on so often. But can we teach them about love
by modeling love? And if we can do so, what may the
results be in the lives of our children when they grow up
and become adults themselves?
are living and learning all the time, while we as adults
often have stopped doing both. If we continue to do
both, though, we can help ourselves by maintaining that
childlike vigor and sense of wonder, and we can help the
children in our lives by modeling a beautiful way of
living--living a life of love for all, always.