would be true, for there are those who trust me;
I would be pure, for there are those who care;
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
Arnold Walter
love to read material that illustrates my connections with
the world around me. I love to be reminded that
there are some things that I should be because other
people will benefit from that. This type of reminder
helps me to keep in mind the fact that what I do is not
without cause or purpose-- rather, what I do always has a
purpose if my intentions in doing what I do are based on
helpfulness, compassion, courtesy, and respect for the
other human beings who share this planet with me.
see, there are those who trust me, and one of my goals in
life has to be to live up to their trust. And there
are those who care about me, so I try to keep myself as
someone who is deserving of their caring. And I and
others will suffer in life, so my strength can help us
work our way through any suffering. And life is full
of opportunities and possibilities. If I'm a daring
person, then I'll be able to take advantage of those
chances and make my life something special, living much
more fully than I would if I didn't dare anything.
tempting to consider ourselves completely
independent. Tempting, but unrealistic and rather
foolish. We share this planet with many wonderful
human beings (or spirits going through a human
experience), and it's important that we keep in mind that
we can enrich our lives in many great ways if we make
ourselves into people who can make a difference for others
when they need us-- even though they might think they
a great big world out there full of great people.
The kind of face and figure that we present to that world
is completely up to us, and we can make a positive
difference only if we're aware of what we want to be, and
only if we take steps to be that person.