people want you to be safe because they care for
you. Some other people don't want you to take risks
because you may end up making them look bad when you
succeed. Some people don't care too much because
they're afraid they may be hurt if they do so. Many
people have low expectations of just about everything
because they think they won't face as much disappointment
if they look at life that way.
here's some important news: we don't have to be like
any of them. We can define life on our own terms,
and we can look at other people as examples of how we want
or don't want to live our lives. If someone who has
low expectations rarely seems to be happy, then guess
what? We can use that person as an example and raise
our expectations and make our lives reach levels that
person never can dream of.
hope that I never settle for emulating others. I
hope that I'm able to listen to my heart and spirit and
define my life as I see most fit for me as a unique
individual, not as a follower of others. Yes, I can
take advice and yes, I can learn from other people's
experiences, but what I make of all that is up to me, and
the results of what I make will be truly unique in the
world-- if I create something truly unique.
always find ourselves reaching new heights and stretching
our limits if we keep the words "more than
others" in mind. Sadly, we're surrounded by
people who settle for less, who thrive in mediocrity, who
do their best to do their least. But we don't have
to be like them-- we can live our lives more fully than