More words on "inner security." More words
that remind us that if we can find out what it means to be
secure in ourselves, to feel that our source of strength
and security comes from inside and not as a result of
outside influences, then we can become the people that we
were meant to be-- beautiful people who radiate peace and
love and beauty.
I can become a beautiful person. If I develop the
important things in my life such as character and inner
strength and faith, then I can be one of those people that
others look at and realize that there is something special
about them. I'm not talking about the skin-deep type
of beauty, obviously, but of that beauty that comes from
being a loving, kind and compassionate human being who
isn't always buffeted by the winds and rains of
circumstance and happenstance. True beauty has no
measure of being a one or being a ten, and it doesn't
involve make-up or expensive clothes or any of that type
of trapping.
Do you want to radiate beauty? Then accept yourself,
know yourself, and love yourself. Recognize the fact
that you are an amazing child of God-- whatever you
perceive God to be-- and that even though
you'll never land a modeling contract with a clothing
company, that fact simply does not matter-- you are
beautiful and wonderfully made. This is a simple
fact-- you have much beauty. The question is, do you
radiate that beauty for others to see and feel, or do you
keep it hidden behind that door that's guarded by your
fears and your insecurities?
If you do the latter, then isn't it time that you fire
those guards and let your beauty shine for the world to
see? When you can radiate beauty, you can serve as a
beacon of hope to those who wish to do the same thing.