I often wonder if anything that I do really matters,
if my contribution to the world is even the slightest bit
important. After all, I don't have money to give to
help others through hard times, and I don't have close
friends who feel that they can talk to me when they need
someone to talk to. Am I successful or not? I
could make arguments for both possible answers.
I really do like Marianne's definition of success, though,
for it helps me to keep in mind the fact that success
doesn't have to be something that other people see,
something that we can quantify, something that goes on our
scorecard of life. I do have certain talents and
abilities that are stronger than others, and it seems like
a very good measure to think that using them to serve
others is the most important element of success.
After all, my influence in this world is extremely
limited, so it would be very unrealistic of me to think
that I should measure my success by any terms other than
this measure of service.
I know plenty of people who don't feel that their talents
are worth sharing, but they always can serve
someone. I know people who feel that they're not
able to do anything that can really make a difference, but
some of the abilities that they have most certainly are
needed by someone who doesn't have that same
ability. Some people are good at figuring out taxes,
while others aren't. Some are good at cooking, while
others could use some help in that area. Some are
really good at fundraising, and there are plenty of
organizations that could use some help with some
fundraising. I've helped several organizations
develop websites for free-- they haven't been award-winning
sites, but they've served their purposes very well, and I
had a strong sense of satisfaction for having served in a
way that I could.
Find a way-- or ways-- to serve. It doesn't have to be
big, and it doesn't have to involve a million
people. When you do find ways to serve others with
your talents and abilities, you'll find that you see your
life through different eyes at the end of each day.