I don't know if I've ever "achieved greatly"
yet, but I certainly have dared to fail greatly.
I've never seen potential failure as a deterrent, and for
that I'm grateful. Potential failure, for me, is a
motivator, something that makes me try even harder to
avoid its clutches. I have failed, but that's okay.
For example, once I started running across the
country. I made it 1,000 miles in four weeks, but by
then an ankle injury that happened two weeks into the run
became too severe, and I felt that I risked permanent
injury if I were to continue. So on my attempted run
across the country, I failed. But in my mind, the
most important thing was that I had run so far in so
little time, and it was an amazing accomplishment.
Some people couldn't understand why I felt so positive
about "giving up" and "failing," but I
knew that they didn't understand what achievement is all
Not everyone is meant to do things that will show up in
the headlines. Not all of us are destined for
greatness as the world knows "greatness."
But we all have the potential to achieve greatly in our
own worlds, in our own spheres of influence, and that's
something that's extremely important. But the most
important thing of all is to remember that when we
undertake some sort of project, when we dare greatly to do
something that intimidates us or frightens us, we may
fail. And that's okay.
Too many people think that just because they dare to do
something amazing, the mere act of daring guarantees that
they'll succeed. But the truth is, sometimes we
fail, and that's okay. What we do with the failure
is what's important. And as those failures add up,
we get closer and closer to that great achievement that
just may be one of the defining accomplishments of our