I'd love to see the reactions of many of the men I've
known over the years to these words. I've known
plenty of men that would say things that shouldn't be
printed about the idea of them having any feminine
qualities at all, and just how horrible it would be for
them even to consider the idea of having such qualities.
But the truth of the matter is that we all have both male
and female qualities, and the strongest men are those who
not only are aware of those qualities, but also are
willing to accept them and even celebrate them.
Being upset by such a thing indicates a strong judgment
about the inferiority of such qualities, an idea that is
extremely far from the truth.
If more men were to acknowledge and practice their
compassion, this world would be a much more pleasant place
to live. We wouldn't be faced with much of the
violence and anger with which we have to deal, and more
people would be able to express themselves more safely and
clearly if they weren't afraid of negative reactions from
men who show little or no compassion. Personally, I
sometimes wish that I had been taught to develop elements
of my feminine side when I was younger, for my students
would benefit a great deal if I showed more compassion,
more intuition, and even more love. As it is, I try,
but I know that since I'm playing catch-up, I'm not as far
as I could be.
So allow your compassion to show, guys, and you'll
contribute to the peace in the world. And women,
allow yourselves to show your strength and use your logic
well, and you'll be developing a side of your self that
tends to be seen as a male side. It doesn't matter
which gender our gifts are associated with--gifts are
gifts, and they're not good for anything at all if we
don't share them with others.