It's quite a shame that there's such inequity in the
distribution of the world's resources. I don't blame
the people who have much more, for most of them are simply
following the norms of the cultures in which they live--in
which acquiring is something to aspire to--but I do feel
that the world would be a much more pleasant place if the
resources were spread out much more evenly. It would
be a much nicer world if people's greed didn't lead them
to get more stuff than they actually need, which would
leave more stuff to be spread out amongst others who need
it, too, but who may not be able to get it when it's in
the hands of the wealthy few.
If we could constantly remind ourselves that there's
enough in the world for everyone's need, then perhaps the
next time we're tempted to get something on a whim,
something we know we don't actually need, we may feel
moved to leave that for someone who does need it.
And perhaps we'll recognize when our desires come from a
place of greed as opposed to a place of need.
I have things in my home that I never use. I
sometimes look at them and wonder if someone else could
use them, as in my home they don't serve any real purpose
at all, and they never really have. But I got them
for some reason, and there they are. I often end up
taking them to a charity thrift store, but the fact that I
bought them in the first place means that my greed won out
over my desire for equitable distribution of
resources. (And I don't see greed as a terribly
negative quality, just one that we all have and that we
could be working to banish from our lives.)
I really want to point a finger at the people who are very
obviously greedy, but I know that I have to point it at
myself before I point it elsewhere, for I do have some
greed in me, and I do act out of greed, and I do misuse
resources due to my greed. When I stop doing that,
then I'll be contributing to the fair distribution of
resources, which is a contribution that I hope to make to
the world sooner rather than later. One day I hope
to be helping others to meet their needs, and not just