It's a shame that so much of what I remember as a kid
were people telling me what I couldn't do.
How much of what I heard back then did I internalize and
actually believe, even though those people were telling me
something false that was based on their own realities, not
necessarily something that was true for me as a
person? What I've found as an adult who
thinks for myself, though, is that my major problem in life has
been in deciding what not to do, even though I
enjoy it and I'm pretty good at it.
We all have many unique abilities, many unique talents and
gifts; there simply isn't time enough in a day or a week
or a month to develop all the things we can do
fully. I love playing the keyboard, but there are
other things that I find more fulfilling, so I don't play
it. But I know that if I wanted to, I could be
really decent at it-- it's just not where I choose to focus
my attention. There are things that you could do
extremely well, also, that you choose not to do at all,
and that's fine. The problem starts to arise when we
argue for our limitations because we've begun to believe
what other people have told us we're not capable of doing.
I think it's important that we keep in mind just how
awesome our potential actually is. If we remember
that we can do all sorts of amazing things if we just take
the time to learn them well, then life can never be boring
or pointless or tedious-- for there is always the potential
for something better up the road a piece. I know
that if I wanted to change careers right now, I could
learn a new career well if I dedicated myself to it.
I just choose not to. And in my current career, I
can accomplish many different things when and if I decide
to dedicate myself to do so.
Thomas Edison's entire life spoke of possibility.
His whole life was a testament to the power of potential,
and when I read these words as having come from him, I
know that I'm reading something very important that he
knew about life and living. Do some new things--
enjoy them and get good at them-- and you'll find
yourself amazing yourself all the time.