It seems that Joel is contradicting himself here,
doesn't it? Most of us would say that we can have
all the supply that we will take, but Joel turns it around
in a seeming paradox-- we can have all that we will give.
Giving is most definitely a prerequisite to getting.
It's not that we give in order to get paid back, but that
giving opens up our receptivity and creates the conditions
that allow us to tap into the supply that the universe and
our world have available to us. Most people focus on
lack, which almost guarantees that they won't be doing
much giving. "I have no time" means that
one won't be giving of time; "I have no money"
is a way of saying that one won't be giving of money;
"Nobody needs anything from me" can mean that
one won't be giving any encouragement, compliments,
talents or skills to others.
We can be receptive to anything as long as the conditions
are right. Nobody will give us a paycheck unless we
work; no one can be expected to give us their loyalty
until we actually earn it. And there is plenty in
life for all of us to receive, though most of us simply
aren't receptive to bigger and better things because we're
too afraid of losing what we have by giving away too
We can make our lives such that we can receive wonderful
things from life, from positive emotions and love and
friendship to financial gain and better jobs-- life is
always in a giving mood, but because we're usually in a
taking mood, we don't match the giving mood and we lose
out on it, closing our receptivity because of our
unwillingness to give.