Many of the
best things that have been developed in life have come as
the result of crisis-- something has happened that has
forced people to reach deep inside themselves if they want
to come through the crisis. A crisis can force us to
search for resources within ourselves that we haven't had
to access before, and doing so can open our eyes to
abilities and knowledge and skills that we simply didn't
know that we had.
hear story after story about people who have done amazing
things and have shown great resiliency and leadership and
creativity during crisis situations. Crises, more
than anything else, can make us face "sink or
swim" circumstances in which we literally must
do something new or different in order even to survive
sometimes. And when we're forced to face such
situations head-on, we can access inner resources that are
simply amazing.
people don't face crises at all, though. They tend
to roll up into a ball and hope the situation passes, or
hope that someone else will deal with things for
them. These people will get nothing out of the
crisis-- no learning at all, no new insights or
discoveries. If they're not well suited for dealing
with intense situations, then one can't really blame them
for being unable to deal with things, but the fact is that
for them, a crisis never really is an opportunity, and
that's a shame-- a crisis can be one of the best
opportunities to grow as human beings that we'll ever get.
most certainly can rob us of our strength and vigor.
It can keep us from seeing potential and possibility, and
it can turn us into victims when we should be doing our
best to overcome our crisis. If we're able to face a
crisis with our hearts and spirits at full strength, then
we can learn from it and let it help us to become stronger
people. I've faced crises in my life in both ways, I
have to say, and given the results, I hope that I'm able
to see any future crisis as an opportunity to use what
I've learned in life so far to deal with something new and
different, all the while learning even more.