There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in
the migration of the birds,
the ebb and flow of the tides, the
folded bud ready for the spring. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated
refrains of nature— the assurance that dawn comes after night,
and spring after the winter.
Rachel Carson
I love the
cycles of nature, for they remind me that the way things
are right now aren't necessarily the way things will
always be. And I don't want them to be always the
same, as they can get pretty tedious without change.
Life is a dynamic experience, not a static one, and if we
try to make it static, we end up shutting out some of the
most important elements that life has to offer.
If we
try to extend summer, we miss out on fall, don't we?
And if we love fall and want to hold on to it forever,
then we never shall experience winter. Even though
it can be pretty cold and sometimes difficult to handle,
winter does some very important things for our planet, and
it would be a shame to miss it simply because we prefer
something else. In my life, I've been through
several deep, dark winters, but spring has always followed
them rather faithfully.
is about cycles, of course, and we have the opportunity
all the time to experience them for all they're
worth. We also have the opportunity to live the
cycles in our own unique ways, as long as we're willing to
accept what life has to bring and the moments that we're
living. Nature gives us a beautiful example of the
ways that life can change for us, and we would be wise to
take those lessons to heart and let nature be our guides
in many ways.
we have access to nature, we have access to a vast teacher
of life and living, though many of the lessons we have to
figure out for ourselves. We can do our kids a great
favor by introducing them to nature and teaching them all
that we know about it so that they can go about adding to
that knowledge on their own. There is much in nature
that can teach us many valuable lessons, and I'm very
grateful for the many lessons it has taught me throughout my