People who have attained things worth having in
this world
have worked while others idled, have persevered when
gave up in despair, have practiced early in life the
habits of self-denial, industry, and singleness of
purpose. As a result, they enjoy in later life the success so often
attributed to good luck.
Grenville Kleiser
people don't know the benefits of perseverance because
they've been taught that if something isn't working out, you
should ditch it and start something that is sure to work
out. If something's sure to work out, though, we learn
very little when we undertake it as a task. Human
beings thrive when tasks are difficult, when we have to
reach into ourselves to find the strength and the heart and
the ingenuity to make something work even when it seems that
it won't or can't.
we persevere, we see something through to its end.
Either it's finished, or it's completely impossible to take
it any further. But we haven't given up on it just
because it's been difficult, whether we've been working with
someone who's a challenge or working on a task that seems
impossible. Perseverance isn't easy--it requires us to
take risks on something that may or may not be worth it, and
that requires us to also have faith that there will be value
in keeping on.
person who perseveres definitely sets her- or himself up for
success, for that person is learning how to stick with
something that others will abandon, and that person will be
rewarded with results that the others never will see.
When we persevere we learn more and we change more based on
what we've learned. We grow as we stick with things
and see just what we're capable of in the long run, as
opposed to doing everything for short-term gratification.
you're doing, stick with it if you want to learn from it and
allow it to help you to grow. If you abandon something
too early, you'll never know just what it had to teach you,
and since we're here on this planet to learn and to grow,
missing such lessons can be a shame. Of course, we
need to persevere when something truly is worth doing to
us, so it's also important to be able to decide when
something deserves the extra strength and time that it would
Questions to
How often do we stop working at something right before
we would find great success with it? How can we know
if that's the case?
Why is it so easy for us to give up on something just
because it becomes a bit difficult, or because we're
getting worn out with it?
What are some of the real benefits of persevering? |
For further
works are performed, not by strength,
but by perseverance. Those that walk with vigor,
three hours a day, will pass in seven
years a space
equal to the circumference of the globe.
Samuel Johnson
on perseverance
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