Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is.
In the
and pain of it no less than in the excitement
gladness: touch, taste, smell your way
to the holy
hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all
are key moments, and life itself is grace.
Frederick Buechner
think that sometimes we take our lives for granted. We
get caught up in the day-to-day troubles and joys and tasks,
and we forget to keep in mind what an amazing miracle it is
that we're even here in the first place. Some days,
when I feel down or listless or frustrated, it does me a
world of good to stop and think for a few moments about how
amazing it is that I'm here in the first place, that my
heart and lungs and veins and eyes and muscles are all
working together in harmony, that I'm able to see and hear
and smell and dance and taste.
lives have a lot to teach us about joy and about humility
and about appreciation, if only we listen to them. We
really do need to think more deeply about the fact that
we're alive at all if we're to grow in awareness and if
we're ever going to have any chance to truly appreciate just
how blessed we are to have some of the amazing gifts that we
have. Life doesn't have to be always exciting and
adventurous for us to fully appreciate it and love it--even
the quiet days that allow us to rest are truly amazing days
that prepare us for the other days when we need our energy
to be high.
moments are key moments, because there's something to learn
from each moment of our lives. If we're not learning,
that's our choice--and that's a shame. We have it
within our means to make of life a truly amazing experience,
but we need to put ourselves out there in order to do
so. We need to live consciously, taste consciously,
hear consciously, and be aware of all that passes not just
each day, but each moment. When we're able to do that,
we find that life becomes something different, something
amazing, and we can truly appreciate all that we've been
given while we're here on this planet.