What are you going to do?
Are you going to keep looking
backwards, full of anger,
resentment and unfulfilled desire? Or are you going to be here now?
Because everything is available
for you in the here and now. Love, compassion, silence, bliss
and Oneness.
know several people who tend to live in the past.
They're full of anger and resentment, and they can't stop
thinking about what happened yesteryear. It's just
about all they talk about, and they don't have many positive
things to say about it. From the past come their
excuses as to why they aren't living fully now, reasons for
which they're miserable, and all of those reasons have to do
with what other people "did" to them. They
spend almost no time in the present moment, living their
lives fully and enjoying the gifts that surround them right
here and right now. And they're never happy, to say
the least.
must learn how to live in the present if we're to live our
lives fully. We must learn to be aware of all that we
have and all that's available to us if we're to fully
appreciate it and take advantage of our opportunities.
The people I know who are focused on the past never see many
of their opportunities because they're still focused on
another place and another time, and they miss what's often
right in front of them.
I really love about what Leonard says, though, is that
"everything is available for you in the here and
now." That means everything. And it's a
true statement. There's no way to access the love that
was available yesterday, and there isn't any way that we can
access the love that will be available tomorrow--we can only
access what's here with us, today. It's a simple fact
of life, one that we can take advantage of right here and
right now, by devoting ourselves to living in the present
moment and loving all that surrounds us each day.
you here, now? Every part of you, including your
thoughts? The body is always here, now, but the mind
tends to wander to other times and places. One way
that we can help ourselves to be happy, loving people is to
stop letting it wander and to keep it focused on the
present. A nice little trip now and then into the past
can be nice, but our responsibility to ourselves and to
those who love us and whom we love is to stay focused on the