a funny thing, how it works. The moment we stop trying
so hard to be someone, we become
ourselves--only what was there all along, waiting and
peeking out from behind all the masks we wore. And when this happens, we discover that Who We Really Are is
much greater than anything we might have
pretended or even hoped to be.
Jacob Nordby
Boy, I really want to be truly myself. I don't
want to be what advertisers tell me I should be, what
society tells me I should be, what my friends and family
tell me I should be. The only true guidance that I
have is my own heart, conscience, and spirit, and if I'm
true to these things, then I can't help but be a truly
authentic, loving, caring human being. If I try to
be what other people want or expect me to be, I'm bound to
disappoint many people-- and especially myself.
So if I don't want to disappoint, I need to be true to the
callings of my heart and my spirit. I need to stop
being what I think others want me to be, and stay true to
who I am. I need to say no when I know that I don't
want something, and I need to say yes even if there's risk
or discomfort or possible hard work involved-- when my
heart is telling me that I need to say yes.
I spent many years of my life trying to be somebody other
than what I was because I wanted to make friends, and I
thought I needed to be what they wanted me to be if they
were going to be my friends. I wanted promotions--
simply to keep my job-- so I said some things I didn't feel
were right, or didn't say things that might have
jeopardized the status quo instead of being honest.
Nowadays I'm more able to be authentic, while still being
able to discern between the situations that demand my
authenticity and those in which it doesn't really matter.
I want to be the person who says what needs to be said as
a matter of honesty and integrity. I want to take
action when others hesitate or refuse to do so, because I
know that a certain action is not only justified, but
necessary. If I can be a truly authentic person,
then my life will shine like a star in the night, and not
be dimmed by all the other lights that might be shining.