February 26


Today's Quotation: 

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. . . As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands.  One is for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

Audrey Hepburn

Today's Meditation:

How can you help someone else today?  With an encouraging word?  A smile at the right moment?  Helping out with an important task?  We've been given plenty of ways that we can help other human beings to experience life in a much more positive way.

How can you help yourself out today?  By taking a few minutes to be alone in silence and center yourself?  By giving yourself a small, loving gift?  By taking care of some task that you've needed to take care of for a while?

Life is about helping, isn't it?  Usually, when we help ourselves, we help others because we're much better prepared to be of use to others when our own yard has been cleaned.  We can give more easily when our own needs have been met.

But so often we get so caught up in "making a living" that we don't realize just how difficult we're making it for ourselves to help others.  We don't realize how much time we're devoting to work that makes profits for other people, but that doesn't really add anything of true essence to someone else's life, as a deep conversation or simply sharing time with them would.  We get lost in getting, and lose touch with giving.

Two hands?  Help yourself.  Help someone else when you're sure they need it and will appreciate it.  This is the essence of life, isn't it?

Questions to ponder:

1.  In what ways can you help others today?  Whom can you help?

2.  How can you help yourself today?  What needs should be met?

3.  What kinds of things keep you from helping?  What might you do to work around them?

For further thought:

If I can think of myself as loved, I can love and accept others.  If I see myself as forgiven, I can be gracious toward others.  If I see myself as powerful, I can do what I know is right.  If I see myself as full, I can give myself freely to others.

Kathy Peel

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