September 1


Today's quotation:

I am sure it is a great mistake always to know enough to go in when it rains.  One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness.

Adeline Knapp

Today's Meditation:
I usually come in from the rain, to be honest.  And on those times when I have enough presence of mind not to do so, I wonder why I always rush right inside when the rain starts.  Of course, if I have to go a whole day without being able to change clothes, getting wet can be a major pain.  And I may have important papers with me, or my wallet, or something else that shouldn't get wet.  I can always come up with a lot of reasons for staying inside.

But on those times when I do stay outside-- or even go outside when it's already raining-- I find that the world is different.  It's a wonderful feeling to be standing in the rain, feeling the wetness fall from above and soak me to the skin.  The sound of the rain hitting the pavement and the trees and the houses is a beautiful sound, and the uniqueness of the feeling is very special-- after all, it's not a feeling that we have often, is it?

Once I was visiting some friends and I had been planning to go outside and play basketball with their kids when a heavy summer shower started.  I thought our game was cancelled, but they still wanted to play-- so we did.  We were soaked within a minute, and after that, the rain simply didn't matter anymore.  We had a lot of fun in the rain, and it sure beat doing anything else just because it happened to be raining.

Snug and dry is nice.  But knowing the other side every now and then is also nice, and also very important for us.  This world was given to us with a wealth of experiences that we can learn from, and it's very hard to do so if we don't actually experience what's here for us.

Questions to consider:

When was the last time you stayed out in the rain on purpose?  How did it feel?

What kinds of things might we learn from getting wet and feeling the rain?

Why do we value staying dry and warm as much as we do?

For further thought:

If your life is ever going to get better, you'll have to take risks.  There is simply no way you can grow without taking chances.

David Viscot

more thoughts and ideas on risk



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