June 11      

Today's quotation:

Love is the greatest medicine.  I ask to be healing medicine for others.  I ask my heart to expand its boundaries and to love others as they wish to be loved.  I ask my heart to expand its boundaries and open to my being loved as I wish to be loved.

Julia Cameron

Today's Meditation:

There really is no substitute for love in life.  It is a healer and a strengthener, a strong foundation upon which we can build and rest and in which we can find shelter.  But it doesn't just happen-- we need to decide to love others, and then we need to show and express that love.  It's a shame that in our society we somehow limit love to the idea of romance, when the truth of the matter is that we can show love to and share love with virtually every other human being on this planet if we choose to do so.

We can choose to be lovers of the world.  We can choose to share encouragement and compliments and healthy criticism with everyone in an effort to help them make it through another day or week or year in their journeys through life.  We can listen closely when they share with us, and we can forgive when something that we see as bad or wrong has been done.  We can love without any expectation of reciprocity, and we can love completely unconditionally if we truly want to contribute to the well-being of the people in our lives and the planet upon which we live.

We can also choose to accept the love that is offered to us in appropriate ways-- after all, if love is offered in inappropriate ways, with conditions attached, then it's not really love, is it?  If I want to show love by helping someone else, I feel very good when that person allows me to help.  Likewise, I can help someone else to feel very good about themselves by allowing them to help me.  Accepting love is an art form unto itself, and it can be a great contribution to the world.

I would love for my heart to expand and include everyone in the love that I feel for life, living, and my fellow beings on this planet.  My hope would be that as it expands, I'm actually able to show that love to others, so that they can go on with their lives knowing that they are, indeed, loved by someone.

Questions to consider:

Why are so many of us so unwilling to show our love to others?  What are we afraid of?

How might we show our love to others in non-threatening, appropriate ways?

What are some of the benefits of accepting the love that others long to show us?

For further thought:

Love isn't a state of perfect caring.  It is an active noun, like struggle.  To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.

Fred Rogers

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