November 17     

Today's quotation:

When we awaken, we find that we are part of the one great Reality and we realize our union with all things.


Today's Meditation:

Awakening.  It's a frightening concept, because few of us want to admit that perhaps we're sleeping our way through life, that we're not as awake and aware of our surroundings and our life situations as we think we are.  We seem to be dreaming all the time, passive actors in life, letting life happen around us instead of being active players who are fully aware of all that's happening because we've allowed ourselves to be lulled to sleep by the sheer overwhelming nature of life itself.

I like the idea of awakening including a realization of our oneness with all things.  Not just with those things that are close to us physically, not just with our families or even our friends and neighbors, not just with the things we know-- but with everything.  That union is pretty powerful, and it's something that can help us to revisualize virtually every aspect of life that we currently think we understand.  The sleeper may be "safe" because he or she isn't taking any risks, but that person also isn't making any connections, not really adding anything to life-- neither his or her own nor the lives of others.

I don't want to sleepwalk through life, though sometimes I find myself doing so to a certain extent.  I fall into comfortable patterns and I allow myself to be satisfied with them.  When I do this, my life is rather empty, to be honest, for I'm depending on something that really isn't real, so to speak.  The dream is simply how we see life from a non-awakened state-- the hard part is realizing that even though we're physically awake, there's a good chance that we're not awake spiritually or psychologically.  We imagine that just because we're not physically sleeping, we must be awake-- but the truth is that our idea of being awake is only part of the picture.

I often remind myself during the day, "Wake up!"  I do this because I often start functioning on auto pilot, so to speak, and I don't want to stumble through life doing things by rote.  I want to be active and I want to learn and I want to understand what's really going on around me, not just what I perceive to be going on.  If you see me sometime just making my way through the day, do me a favor and tell me to wake up-- or find someone else for whom you can do that favor.  If they understand what you mean, they'll appreciate it greatly.

Questions to consider:

What does it mean to you to be awakened?

Why is it so easy to walk through our days on autopilot?  What would it take to actually wake up to what's really there?

How much time do we spend not sleeping, but still not awakened?  What are some of the benefits of being awakened?

For further thought:

Those who dream must be awakened, and the deeper the people are who slumber, or the deeper they slumber, the more important it is that they be awakened, and the more powerfully must they be awakened.

Søren Kierkegaard

more thoughts and ideas on awakening



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