constantly meeting people and working with people--and
I'm becoming so very concerned, because the people I meet
afraid to show their wonder and to show their
beauty. They are
in constant doubt about being beautiful and being
wonderful. You may not realize it, but so much of what you are not is
you are literally standing in your own way of
becoming. And what
I'm pleading with you about is, get the hell out of your
take this passage very personally. I recognize
myself in it, and I see the compassion with which Leo says
"get the hell out of your way." And since
I recognize the caring and compassion, I know that what he
says makes sense, that he's telling me to get out of my
way for MY good, and if that's true then I actually should
get out of my way if I'm ever going to be unafraid to show
my wonder and my beauty.
my moments on my own, when I face no feedback from others,
I recognize my beauty and wonder. I even wonder why
other people don't seem to see it and appreciate it as
much as it seems they should. And of course the
answer comes to me: because I don't let them see it
nearly as much as I could. How can people appreciate
what they don't see? How can people respond to
something that's never shown to them? Why do I stand
in my own way of becoming what I feel called to be?
What kind of silly am I being?
would like to think that it doesn't matter to me how other
people respond to me. I'd like to think that I've
grown enough to be my authentic self without worrying
about what others think about me. But I know in my
heart that Leo is talking about me to a certain extent,
and he's pleading with me to show the wonder and beauty
that is me, this spirit who is here on the planet for a
short time in a human body.
pleading with you, too-- for you are wonderful and
beautiful, too. And you're worrying Leo because you
aren't showing it-- you're afraid to let others see
it. And because of that, you're limiting
yourself. And if you limit yourself, you limit the
good you can do for others. It's a vicious circle
that starts with us standing in our own ways, afraid to
show our beauty and wonder.
don't be afraid-- let us see your beauty and wonder, and
let us see you get out of your own way. You'll
enrich us all when you let us see these things.