experienced first-hand how anger makes me feel, and I
really don't like it. I understand what Cherie means
when she says that it makes us smaller, for the times that
I've been angry have not been the best of times for
me. And while it can be very important to express
our anger, it isn't always the case; in addition, many of
us just stay angry without ever expressing it. This
can be even more damaging than letting our anger out.
we're thinking completely objectively, it's pretty easy to
see the advantages of forgiveness over anger.
Forgiveness keeps us focused on love, and it recognizes
another person's right to make mistakes without being
severely punished for them. True forgiveness allows
us to let go of anger and resentment, freeing up our minds
and spirits to allow them to focus on more important
things such as love and compassion.
on the other hand, keeps us focused on what we perceive to
be negative incidents or actions. Anger keeps us
dwelling in the past as long as we keep running over in
our minds the "awful" things that someone has done.
Anger holds us as its prisoner, and our minds and spirits
are not free to find positive and constructive things upon
which to stay focused-- we hold them back because we like
to feel the self- righteousness that comes with most anger.
much anger is justified, but as we hold on to it, it
becomes less and less justified, and more and more
destructive. The best way to deal with anger is to
face it directly and then let it go-- not because someone
else has bent to our will and begged forgiveness, but
because we're willing to forgive and move on with our
lives and keep growing as human beings.