discouragement |
- contents - obstacles
get discouraged. When I do, it's a very powerful
feeling. I feel as if my enthusiasm, my drive,
my energy, my optimism all have left me. I feel
that all that I've worked for--whatever it might
be--has been for naught, and that things just don't
make sense. After all, I've tried and I've tried
to do what is right and what I'm supposed to do, yet
the results still haven't been what I feel they should
discouraging that I can't find an agent or a publisher
for my novels. It's discouraging that I earn
less than half the pay at my current job that I would
be earning elsewhere under the exact same
circumstances. It's discouraging that people
still judge and criticize each other when we really
should be looking at ourselves and practicing the
ideal of "live and let live."
But I
find that as time goes on, discouragement becomes more
fleeting. It's not something that ever has
lasted a very long time for me, but it lasts an even
shorter amount of time nowadays, for I recognize that
my discouragement is my reaction. I used to
think that other people could discourage me, but now I
realize that that's simply not true. Other
people always can and will do as they wish, even with
me as their target if they so choose, but my feelings
are tied up in my reactions to them. My novels
may never sell, but my feelings about that depend on
how I react to that truth (while it still is the
truth, at least).
like the word "discourage"--it implies a
stealing away of courage, a loss of courage.
It's even more interesting when you look at it as part
of the group of "dis-" words, like dismay,
disrespect, disillusioned, or discombobulated.
They're fascinating words. But in the case of
discourage, we have to ask ourselves--do we ever
really lose our courage, or is it just pushed down by
something else for a while? When I'm standing at
the edge of a tall cliff and my fear of heights kicks
in, that doesn't mean that I'm no longer a courageous
person. It simply means that at that moment, my
fear of heights is stronger than my courage, which I
always can feel trying to overcome that fear of
heights (though it never seems to succeed!).
when I'm discouraged, I have to ask myself:
Which feeling or emotion is overwhelming my courage
right now? How would I be thinking and what
would I be doing if this feeling weren't so strong
right now? Is it a feeling of having been
betrayed? Is it a feeling of uselessness or of
failure? Is it the feeling that I'll never do
anything right? There are many different
feelings that can lessen my courage and make me feel
weaker than I truly am.
have to remember that, though: They make me feel
weaker than I truly am.
visits all of us from time to time. We all get
the feeling that no matter what we do, it's somehow
not worthwhile. Our challenge is to accept that
feeling for exactly what it is--a temporary state that
in no way defines who we are or what we're able to
do. If we're able to accept that feeling, we can
allow our true courage to come back and take its
place, where it truly belongs, and our discouragement
will quickly become encouragement. It's not that
the negative becomes positive, but that the positive
is able to take its true place at the forefront of our
lives, our thoughts, and our feelings.
your discouragement have its five minutes in the sun,
but even as you do so keep in mind that you soon will
overcome it and return to a more positive state.
No matter what anyone may do to discourage us, no
matter what may happen, we know that our value isn't
found in what others think of us or what others do to
us, nor in the things that we "accomplish"
or the number of material goods in our homes.
Our value is found in who we are and what we do with
that, and if we can continually encourage ourselves,
our discouragement will have less space in which to
live and grow.
success from failures. Discouragement and failure
are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
most essential factor is persistence--the
never to allow your energy or
enthusiasm to be dampened
by the discouragement
that must inevitably come.
Whitcomb |
great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into
manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just
the big achievement comes apparent failure and discouragement.
Scovel Shinn
people will discourage you, often unintentionally. But
do we do with that discouragement? Do we take it to
heart and
allow it to stop us from reaching our ultimate goal of
love, or do we polish it up and put it on a shelf with the
rest of
our discouragements, and move on with our lives,
continuing to work towards our goals?
tom walsh
- contents
people behind the words
current e-zine
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Meditations, Year One - Year
Two - Year Three
- Year Four
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has no necessary connection with discouragement --
discouragement has a germ of its own, as different from
trouble as arthritis is different from a stiff joint.
F. Scott Fitzgerald |
often is a result of listening to people
who have their own best interests planned for your life.
has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually
encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed.
won because they refused to become discouraged by their
Charles Forbes
we yield to discouragement it is usually because
we give too much thought to the past and to the future.
Therese of Lisieux
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Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss,
contains its own seed, its
own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.
Og Mandino
discouraging how discouraged some people can get. When
you take
the dis off discourage, you have what you need
to press on: courage.
When things don't happen "on schedule," hire a squad
of cheerleaders
to remind you, "Don't get pissed off, take the dis
John-Roger and Peter McWilliams
101 |
is not the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage.
Neal A. Maxwell |
discouraged, some people will give up, give in or give out far
too early. They blame their problems on difficult
unreasonable people or their own inabilities. When
other people will push back that first impulse to quit, push
their initial fear, push through feelings of helplessness and
ahead. They’re less likely to find something to blame
and more likely to find a way through.
Steve Goodier |
is the illegitimate child of false expectations.
Lloyd John Ogilvie |
will come and go, but discouragement is a choice that you make.
Charles Stanley
Do not be discouraged if
your plans do not succeed the first time.
No one learns to walk by taking only one step.
Catherine Pulsifer
Nearly every person
who develops an idea works it up to the point
where it looks impossible, and then gets discouraged.
That’s not the place to become discouraged.
Thomas Edison
- contents
people behind the words
current e-zine
and excerpts
Meditations, Year One - Year
Two - Year Three
- Year Four
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Any person can work when
every stroke of one's hands brings down
the fruit rattling from the tree. . . but to labor in season and out of
season, under every discouragement--that requires
a heroism which is transcendent.
Henry Ward Beecher
accept discouragement; keep going! Less stress will result
by not allowing discouragement to be your attitude.
Catherine Pulsifer
What we do
not see, what most of us never suspect of existing, is the
silent but irresistible power which comes to the rescue of those
who fight on in the face of discouragement.
Napoleon Hill