
Motivational and Inspirational Articles

The amount of interesting and helpful written material available is amazing, as many
people are writing a lot of stories and articles designed to help teach others the
lessons that they've learned in life.  Perhaps by learning these lessons from others,
we can avoid them ourselves and move on to other life experiences without having
to take the time and make the effort to work our way through all the hardships that
are often involved in these lessons!  We can then make new mistakes and learn new
lessons that we can then pass on to others, who can then move farther than we did.

Please note that because we publish three or four articles each week
in our e-zine, we don't regularly add to this collection, which used
to be part of Full Life Online.



New Articles
Iroquois Thanksgiving Speech      Irving Powless, Sr. Keynote Address, Global Forum on Environment Audrey Shenandoah

New Articles for 2018
All through the month of January we'll be adding to this list!

Successful People     Napoleon Hill Solitude     tom walsh
The Tiny Black Dot    Jeff Keller Life on the Front Burner    Louise Morganti Kaelin
Brief Time of Splendor    Gail Pursell Elliott Acres of Diamonds     Earl Nightingale
Einstein's Ability to Risk and Willingness to Be Wrong
Ron White
Five Methods I Have Used to Banish Worry
William Lyon Phelps
Children and the Way of Peace     Peace Pilgrim Aging and Enthusiasm     Norman Vincent Peale
A Commitment to Laughter     Earl Nightingale Alcohol    tom walsh
The Communication Principle     Matthew Kelly Create the Right World     John Marks Templeton
Compassion     Joan Chittister The Art of Being Fully Human     Leo Buscaglia

Articles for 2017

Attitudes of Success and Happiness     Helaine Iris A Little Equation That Creates Big Results    Chris Widener
Bringing Balance to a Chaotic Life    Chris Widener The Art of Common Sense    Wilferd A. Peterson
On the Anger Habit     Peace Pilgrim The Present Moment     tom walsh
Ten Signals You're Not Living to Your Fullest Potential    Louise Morganti Kaelin Alter Your Life    Emmet Fox
Establishing Dreams and Goals     Jim Rohn Love     Ralph Waldo Trine
The Pace That Stills    Norman Vincent Peale Breaking the Habit of Negative Thinking   Carol James

New Articles for 2016

A High School Commencement Address    tom walsh  
Asking for Help     June Hetzel Spreading the Wealth     tom walsh
A Perfect Day     Elsa Joy Bailey A Step away from Peace     John Ptacek
I Learned from My Grandma That the Seeds of Greatness Are. . . .      Denis Waitley The Modern-Day (Real Life) Indiana Jones     Vic Johnson
Coasting     tom walsh Solving Life's Problems    Peace Pilgrim
I'll     Donna Ryan Be Unrealistic!     Jeff Keller
Children Learn What They Live    Denis Waitley Tomorrow     Soraya
The Blessing in Adversity    Michael Angier How to Talk to Anybody, Anytime    Chris Widener
Success:  A Worthy Destination     Earl Nightingale Autumn and Letting Go    tom walsh
Winning:  Defining It, Achieving It   Chris Widener If You Had a Million Dollars    Ron White
Creating Your Character is like an Artist Creating a Sculpture     Jim Rohn You're Allowed to Say "No"     Jeff Keller
Teachers in Our Midst     John Ptacek The Ambitious Violet     Khalil Gibran

New Articles for 2015

Your Life Within     Marcus Bach Desert Water      Norman Vincent Peale
You Can Have It     tom walsh Peace of Mind    Joshua Loth Liebman
Finding Inner Peace    Peace Pilgrim Do What You Want--and Live Longer    Thurman B. Rice
Unquenchable Spirit    Dale Carnegie Live and Let Live    tom walsh
What I Had Worried About   Robert Moore The Power of a Beautiful Scene    Norman Vincent Peale
I Learned to Stop Worrying by Watching My Wife Wash Dishes    William Wood There Is No Education like Adversity     Harvey Mackay
Practice Being like a Child   Jim Rohn Obstacles     Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Doing Things the "Right" Way    Kathy Paauw Personal Philosophy Is like the Set of the Sail    Jim Rohn
Ten Ways to Connect with the Confidence within You Louise Morganti Kaelin How to Keep a Disagreement from Becoming an Argument    unattributed
A New Take on a Hill     tom walsh Become a Mental Chemist    Wilferd A. Peterson
Thoughts on Successful People    Chris Widener How to Be Happy     Janet Hostetler
Fletcherize Life    Emmet Fox Breaking through Uncertainty--Welcoming Adversity    Jim McCormick
Back to Boot Camp    Chris Widener How to Get into Your Own Home    Paul Pearsall
Try Giving Yourself    Arline Boucher and John Tehan Picture Your Way to Success!    Jeff Keller
Top of the Morning!   Jim Rohrbach  

New Articles for 2014

The Joys of Living      Orison Swett Marden Discouraged, but Not without Hope     tom walsh
Five Ways to Create Reserve Energy Every Day     Steve Brunkhorst Love the Opportunity      Jim Rohn
Cultivating Happiness     Rinatta Paries Life Is All Too Short:  Ways to Make It the Best It Can Be     Dennis Tesdale
A Nice Long Walk     tom walsh Letting Go     tom walsh
Sharing the Wealth     Charlie Badenhop Our Fears and Worries Can Distort the Reality of a Situation     Stanley Popovich
Tremendously Rewarding Habits     Steve Brunkhorst Take a Deep Breath, Decide to Enjoy Life, and Feed the Birds     Brian Dickinson
A Note to Cheyanne     Ron White Living All You Can    Victoria Monfort
The Secret Life     Stephen Covey How to Handle Criticism     Jeff Keller
The Lighter Side of Stress     Jo-Anne Cutler Live Life to the Fullest     Brian Bartes
Let That Dog Alone     Emmet Fox Sometimes It's Easy     tom walsh
Nine Steps for Solving Any Problem     Earl Nightingale Every Day Is Thanksgiving!     Jeff Keller
Being Grateful     Susie Michelle Cortright It's Our Choice     Kevin Eikenberry
The Energy of Desire     Steve Brunkhorst Miss Dix's Dictates for a Happy Life     Dorothy Dix
I Stood Yesterday.  I Can Stand Today.    Dorothy Dix  

New Articles for 2013

  Rules for Being Human      unattributed
You're Making a Lasting Impression     Jeff Keller Undivided Attention     tom walsh
Top Ten Reasons to Simplify Your Life    Louise Morganti Kaelin A Curb to Originality     Earl Nightingale
The Untold Truth about Mentors, and Why You Don't Need "One"     David Riklan Eight Things to Enjoy at Any Age    Louise Morganti Kaelin
What Is Your Life Telling You?    Helaine Iris With Love. . . Leo      Leo Buscaglia
Your Threshold of Deservingness     Joe Vitale Seven Ways to Cultivate a Mental Attitude That Will Bring You Peace and Happiness      Dale Carnegie
Brighten the World (Bit by Bit)       tom walsh The Most Important Meetings You'll Attend Are the Meetings You Have with Yourself     Denis Waitley
The Art of Getting Along       Wilferd A. Peterson Is Your Attitude Worth Catching?     Margo Chevers
The Art of Living with Ourselves      Wilferd A. Peterson Benefits of Prayer    Dale Carnegie
Using Your Gifts to Live on Purpose    Julie Jordan Scott Some Important "Don't's"      author unknown
Be Yourself. . . and Love Who You Are!     tom walsh Gratitude Journal:  Keeping the Spirit of Thanksgiving Alive Year-Round       Elisabeth Kuhn
Eyes on the Shore      Steve Goodier What Makes a Friend?     author unknown

New Articles for 2012


All contents © Living Life Fully, all rights reserved.


quotations - contents - welcome page - obstacles
our current e-zine - the people behind the words - articles and excerpts
Daily Meditations, Year One - Year Two - Year Three - Year Four

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New Articles for 2011

Seagull     Elsa Joy Bailey Success Is Easy, but so Is Neglect     Jim Rohn
Talking Ourselves Down     tom walsh Karma--the Wheel of Life     Charlie Badenhop
Creative Listening     Wilferd A. Peterson Rattlesnake     tom walsh
The Best That You Can Be     Gail Pursell Elliott The Balanced Self      Wilferd A. Peterson
Kiss Your Life     Leo Buscaglia Ten Brilliant Methods to Move from Blechhh to Breakthrough in 5 Minutes or Less       Julie Jordan Scott
Love What You Have      James Allan Silent in a Noisy World     Mike Moore
The Emperor's Seed     unattributed Where's the Fire?     Emmet Fox
Grandfather's Table     unattributed Practice Extravagant Dreaming!     Lisa Jimenez
Authenticity = Freedom     Terri Amos Who Wants to Be a Perfectionist, Anyway?     Mike Moore
Inspiration      Wilferd A. Peterson  

quotations - contents - welcome page - obstacles
our current e-zine - the people behind the words - articles and excerpts
Daily Meditations, Year One - Year Two - Year Three - Year Four

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New Articles for 2010

Four Ways to Teach the Truths That Transform the World     Guy Finley The 17 Universal Principles of Success and Achievement      Napoleon Hill
Empowerment      Gail Pursell Elliott Success:  A Lengthy Journey or State of Mind
Fred W. Tanner
Let It Be You      Jim Rohn Aimlessness      Thich Nhat Hanh
Living out Loud     Iyanla Vanzant Anchors:  Handling Long-Term Stresses    Beth Burns
A Little at a Time     John Erskine New Rules     Helaine Iris
The Need to Become Silent in a Noisy World
Mike Moore
Live in the Past. . . and It Will Become Your Future
Jeff Keller
Some Marriage Advice    Norman Vincent Peale The Bottom of the Barrel     Gail Pursell Elliott
Allow!     Louise Morganti Kaelin The Urgent vs. the Important     Denis Waitley
Happiness     tom walsh  

New Articles for 2009

  How to Get out of Your Own Way      Jim M. Allen
Where Do You Go for Your Intellectual Feast?
Jim Rohn
I Wonder      tom walsh
Asking for Help      Sue Edwards Eye of the Hurricane     Gail Pursell Elliott
Affirm Your Intentions--Achieve Your Goals
Steve Brunkhorst
Practicing Observation during Everyday Life
Uma Silbey
Legalize Your Emotions     Louise Morganti Kaelin Success from Failure     Margo Chevers
Second Chances      Beth Burns Six Behaviors That Increase Self-Esteem  Denis Waitley
Five Ways to Be More Encouraging    Kevin Eikenberry My Contribution      tom walsh
My Favorite Four-Letter Words   Norman Vincent Peale Be Willing to Be a Little Outrageous to Get What You Want     Lisa Jimenez
Conquer Doubt   Vic Johnson How to Hold a Grudge   tom walsh
Just Do It!   Kathy Paauw You Never Know     Helaine Iris
Sacred or Scared?    Gail Pursell Elliott Proverbs for Abundant Living    Brian Cavanaugh
Doing vs. Being      tom walsh Nitty-Gritty Reasons   Jim Rohn

Articles for 2008


Articles for 2007

I Resolve to Fail       Lena Sanchez The "I Can't" Funeral
Still Don't Know What You Want to Be When You "Grow Up"?     Valerie Young Put a Little Z.I.P. in Your Relationships
Chris Widener
Keep Track of Your Results    Jim Rohn A Different Type of Resolution    tom walsh
The Hardest Choices    tom walsh Pay It Forward   Gail Pursell Elliott
Let Freedom Ring   Kathy Paauw What Happened?    Julie Jordan Scott
Negative Thinking Never Helps    Jeff Keller Emotional Response Primer    Louise Morganti Kaelin
I Was Wondering. . . .     Beth Burns Accepting Yourself Unconditionally    Brian Tracy
Simple Pleasures    T.W. Winslow What's Wrong with Grown-Ups?
Letting Go vs. Giving Up    Louise Morganti Kaelin Listen Closely    tom walsh
Start Living in Prime Time     Denis Waitley Self-Improvement as It Applies to You   Robert Taylor
Are You Staying on Track?    Jeff Keller The Stain    Beth Burns
Ten Ways to Inspire Others     Michael Angier Walking a New Road    Jim Rohn
Making Change, One Layer at a Time
Rosemarie Rossetti


quotations - contents - welcome page - obstacles
our current e-zine - the people behind the words - articles and excerpts
Daily Meditations, Year One - Year Two - Year Three - Year Four

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Inspirational Articles

Join us on a journey of sorts through motivational material--a treat for the eye and mind!

The Red Mahogany Piano    Joe Edwards If. . . .
Freedom    Joseph Mazzella As Is     Gail Pursell Elliott
Edmund Pollard     Edgar Lee Masters Make Room for Happiness    Kathy Gates
How to Get More out of Life Sprouting Seeds--The Root of Self-Growth
Gary Barnes
Creating Your Own Life     unknown I Believe     John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
A Smile for Annabelle    Marsha Jordan Why I Am So Fond of Mrs. Mann, and How Can You Benefit from Her Wisdom?       Mark Wiltse
A Psalm of Life     Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Elevate Your Life Simply and Lusciously
Julie Jordan Scott
We Are the Decent People of the World    Wilferd A. Peterson Sowing and Reaping    Vic Johnson
Everyday Tools for Extraordinary Success
Philip E. Humbert
Four Words That Make Life Worthwhile
Jim Rohn
I Have a Dream (excerpt)
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Living with the Heart of a Child   Joe Mazzella
Happiness      Bob Williams Call "Time Out" and Adjust Your Course!     Jeff Keller
In the Wink of an Eye     Lewis Frost In This Day       Bob Perks
Shaya's Home Run -- Plus, the source of the story and a variation of it. I Want to Be Six
Journey into Your Heart   Ronald Bissell You Are the Hero   Wilferd Arlan Peterson

How can the Internet affect articles?  See for yourself with these two versions of the
"same" article, attributed to the same author.  Often you'll find people re-writing
articles and posting them as the original, as has happened with "Three Letters from Teddy."

Love and a Batch of Brownies Your Choices Today   tom walsh
It Is up to You    Jim Rohn The Keeper of the Spring
Snowy Day Gifts    Joseph Mazzella You're a Beautiful Person    tom walsh


Encouraging/Motivational Articles

Getting from Here to There     Tim Autrey Eight Gifts that You Can Give of Yourself       unknown
Your Inner Guide to Self-Esteem     Adam Khan Raising the Standards    tom walsh
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
of the United Nations
Your Greatest Strength
Releasing the Past     Jeff Keller Anything Is Possible
The Awakening   Sonny Carroll Successfully Downloading and Installing "A-Ha's"
Julie Jordan Scott
Allowing the Soul to Breathe  
Tammie Renea Rizer-Averyt
Self-Appreciation   Charles David Heineke
Being Your Best    T. W. Winslow How to Cheer Yourself up When You're Feeling Down
Colleen Moulding
Ten Things You Can Do To Produce A Quantum Leap In Your Life Fast   Asoka Selvarajah Start Today    Joseph J. Mazzella
Living in the Moment     Paul Bauer Becoming a Gold Dust Person  Julie Jordan Scott


Articles Examining Life and Lifestyles

Finding a Balance    attributed to Brian Dyson  
A Lesson in Kindness    author unknown How Do You Treat Others?     Robert Taylor
Kindness Spoken Here     Gail Pursell Elliott Change Your Pace     Hilton Gregory
On Giving (from The Prophet)     Khalil Gibran Whose Standards?    Robert Taylor
Connect or Contact:  A Call to Community
Janice Hain
Being the Best We Can Be    Asoka Selvarajah
Being Impressive      tom walsh The Art of Encouragement      tom walsh
A Life of Choices    Jane Mullikin The Person I Devote Myself to Being    tom walsh
What's Your View?    Ray S. Whiting Thoughts on the Desiderata    tom walsh
The Role Model Oath    Gary Barnes A Call for New Values    Mikhail Gorbachev
The Value of Acceptance    Janice Hain Shoveling Snow     tom walsh
What I Hope   Paul Harvey The Power of Goalsetting:  Challenges and Opportunities
Julie Jordan Scott
Practical Time Management Tips
Tony Murtagh
Regrets, I Have a Few     Robert Knowlton
Making (and Keeping) New Year's Resolutions
tom walsh
Have You Stopped to Listen Today?    tom walsh
Developing A Reflective Life In The Midst Of Turmoil
Asoka Selvarajah
Give Your Life Direction    T.W. Winslow
Setting Personal Goals    Laura Bissonette Embracing the Everyday    Susie Michelle Cortwright
Doing Dishes     tom walsh The Christmas Alone     tom walsh
Integrity    Paul Bauer Practicing Self-Care    Kathy Paauw
The Meaning behind Our Words    T.W. Winslow Creating "White Space" in Your Life   Kathy Paauw
Preventing Pessimism    Nita Jackson How to Develop a Healthy Perspective   Jeff Keller
A Supposed Letter from Chief Seattle 10 Steps to Becoming a Passionate Self Care Practitioner      Julie Jordan Scott

Articles about Our Spiritual Sides


Articles about Problems that We Face

On Letting Go. . . .     author unknown The (Ig)Noble Flames of Anger   Lucy Lopez
Perfectionism Is Too Much!    Rhoberta Schaler Dealing with Disappointment    Colin Clews
Solitude and Seclusion     Khalil Gibran It's a Mistake!    tom walsh
Sometimes Undoing and Forgetting Are Best
Asoka Selvarajah
Scars in the Landscape     Cindy Christie
Self-Pity    tom walsh An Open Letter to Limp Bizkit     tom walsh
Being There, Coming Through: 
Thanks to My True Friends      Janice Hain
Uncertainty Breeds UNcalm      Carol James
Do I Really Need This?     Jane Mullikin The Art of Forgiveness    Wilferd A. Peterson
Why Do People Fail?   Robert Taylor When You See "Red"   Rhoberta Shaler
How Do You Handle a Bad Day?  Robert Taylor Sabotaged Efforts    Ray Whiting
A Matter of Choice     Asoka Selvarajah Capital Expenditures      Gail Pursell Elliott
To Be Long     tom walsh  

Articles for People in Recovery (from addictions, divorce, childhood issues, etc.)


Articles for People Dealing with Depression and other Emotional Challenges


Articles for Parents


  Articles for Seniors


Articles on Perspective

A Story about Ugly Love, Wealth, and Success
Being Thankful      tom walsh The Teachers in My Life     tom walsh
Our Self-Esteem     Michael Angier Listen While You Speak     Louise Morganti Kaelin
Three Wondrous Answers      Lev Tolstoy
(retold by Thich Nhat Hanh)
Where I Am (It's a Good Place to Be)    tom walsh
A Teaching on Heaven and Hell The Precious Present
Thinking Straight in a Crooked World   Sheryl Ellis The Key Attitude for Success     Asoka Selvarajah
I Can't     tom walsh The Fence
Morning Pages     Asoka Selvarajah The Secret of the Masters--Yours!      Asoka Selvarajah
The Broken Pot Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
Susie Michelle Cortwright
Watching the News     tom walsh Optimal Thinking    Rosalene Glickman
Ripples of Love    Joseph Mazzella Fireworks, Barney, and Santa Claus--an Unholy Trio
Gene Curry
Lessons from a Spider     Asoka Selvarajah Re-Energize Your Journal Writing    Michael Boyter
Naomi and the Five Life Lessons    Ron Kimball I Just Don't See It      Gail Pursell Elliott


We have some inspiring and motivational books that may interest you.  Our main way of supporting this site is through the sale of books, either physical copies or digital copies for your Amazon Kindle (including the online reader).  All of the money that we earn through them comes back to the site in one way or another.  Just click on the picture to the left to visit our page of books, both fiction and non-fiction!


Explore all of our quotations pages--these links will take you to the first page of each topic, and those pages will contain links to any additional pages on the same topic (there are five pages on adversity, for example).

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advertising - aging - ambition- anger - anticipation - anxiety - apathy - appreciation - arrogance
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beliefs - body - brooding - busyness - caring - celebration - challenges -
change - character
charity - children -
choices - Christianity - coincidence - commitment - common sense - community
- compassion - competition - complaining - compliments - compromise - confidence
conformity - conscience - contentment - control - cooperation - courage -
creativity - crisis - criticism - cruelty -  death - decisions - desire - determination - disappointment
discipline - discouragement - diversity - doubt - dreams - earth - education - ego - emotions
encouragement - enlightenment - enthusiasm - envy - eternity - ethics - example - exercise
experience - failure - faith - fame - family - fate - fathers - fault-finding - fear - feelings - finances
flowers - forgiveness - freedom - friendship - frustration - fun - the future - garden of life - gardening
generosity - gentleness - giving - goals - God - goodness - grace - gratitude - greatness - greed - grief
growing up - guilt - habit - happiness - hatred - healing - health - heart - helpfulness - home
honesty - hope - hospitality - humility - hurry - ideals - identity - idleness  - idolatry - ignorance
illusion - imagination - impatience - individuality - the inner child - inspiration - integrity - intimacy
introspection - intuition - jealousy - journey of life - joy - judgment - karma - kindness - knowledge
language - laughter - laziness - leadership - learning - letting go - life - listening - loneliness
love - lying - magic - marriage - materialism - meanness - meditation - mindfulness - miracles
mistakes - mistrust - moderation - money - mothers - motivation - music - mystery - nature
negative attitude - now - oneness - open-mindedness - opportunity - optimism - pain - parenting
passion - the past - patience - peace - perfectionism - perseverance - perspective - pessimism
play - poetry - positive thoughts - possessions - potential - poverty - power - praise - prayer
prejudice - pride - principle - problems - progress - prosperity - purpose - racism - reading - recreation
reflection - relationships - religion - reputation - resentment - respect - responsibility - rest
revenge - risk - role models - running - ruts - sadness - safety - seasons of life - self - self-love
self-pity - self-reliance - self-respect selfishness - serving others - shame - silence - simplicity
slowing down - smiles -solitude - sorrow - spirit - stories - strength - stress - stupidity - success
suffering - talent - the tapestry of life - teachers - thoughts - time - today - tolerance - traditions
trees - trust - truth - unfulfilled dreams - values - vanity - virtue - vulnerability - walking - war
wealth - weight issues - wisdom - women - wonder - work - worry - worship - youth

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Christmas - Thanksgiving - New Year - America - The Tao - Zen sayings
Native American wisdom - The Law of Attraction - Buddhist wisdom
obstacles to living life fully - e-zine archives - quotations contents
our most recent e-zine - Great Thinkers - the people behind the words - articles & excerpts