In this fast-paced world, we have forgotten about ourselves.
Instead of loving ourselves, we've zeroed in on how we are going to live up to society's image. We
run ourselves ragged trying to live the American dream - the large
income, nice house, and many other material possessions that we
believe will complete this scenario. Somewhere, in the
competition against our fellow man, we have lost ourselves.
Instead of focusing our attention within, we attempt to paint an
illusion by manipulating the world around us.
Desperately, I searched the world over
seeking the answers to life. I was never able to find what I
was looking for. After reading many books, I came to
the realization that the answers lie within. In order to find them, I needed to form a loving relationship with
myself. By applying the following principles to my
life, I was able to build self-worth and open the door to my
* Take Time To Go Within:
Sit quietly or relax for a few minutes everyday. Try
to spend at least twenty minutes each day going within. I find a
comfortable spot where I will not be disturbed, usually outside in
my yard, but wherever you feel most comfortable is the spot you
should choose. Enjoy the sounds of nature while you
concentrate on your breathing. Others of you may prefer
listening to music or a guided meditation tape. There
is no right way to seek your inner-self. Choose the path you
feel most at ease with, and begin your journey inward.
The types of thoughts that fill our head are very important.
You can choose between negative thoughts that will tear you down,
or you can think encouraging beliefs that will lift your spirits.
Spend time feeding your mind positive messages. Tell
yourself over and over throughout the day how worthy you
Carry motivational articles or quotes that inspire you.
In a moment of fear or doubt, read these inspirational pieces
until you feel confident once again. I have post-its placed
strategically throughout the house, so I am reminded to think
*Eat right:
The body is like a car; it needs fuel. We are people on the
go and living in the age of the all too convenient fast food
restaurant. With deadlines to meet and our hectic schedules,
we never have time to stop and prepare a healthy meal. Take
a look around you; the lack of a proper diet causes many health
risks. From obesity to heart disease, we are running
ourselves into the ground with our unhealthy eating habits.
Each of our bodies is different and needs its own unique diet.
Consult a nutritionist or your doctor to find out the dietary
needs of your body.
Exercise - the thought produces fear in many people. The
image of doing aerobics or spending hours in the gym trying to
keep the body fit causes nightmares. I am not
suggesting you train to look like a bodybuilder, but you should
spend at least twenty minutes a day in an activity that gets the
your heart rate going. Whether you choose a brisk walk
around the block, some gardening in your yard or dancing to your
favorite music, the experts all agree about the benefits of
exercising. Not only will you start feeling better, but your
physical improvements will benefit every area of your life.
You will be able to increase your stamina, build confidence and,
most importantly, reduce stress.
The amount of sleep we need varies for each of us. Some
people are well rested after five hours of sleep while others need
at least eight. I think the proper amount of sleep is
important, but the quality of our sleep is the key.
How many times have you tossed and turned with worry?
Make sure you go to bed relaxed. A good rule of thumb is do
not watch television right before bed, especially the news.
The news tends to report on negative subjects which can cause
stress and worry. The best things to do are read, journal or
listen to uplifting messages that will encourage you. This
puts positive thoughts into your head, and you will awake
feeling refreshed and alive.
*Stop Worrying:
Fear and worry run rampant in our society, and prescriptions for
stress-relieving drugs are at an all-time high. We try to control different situations,
and when the outcome is not to our liking, we tend to seek new
circumstances. Once again, the outcome is the same, so
the cycle continues. We can only do our best - the final
results are out of our hands. Worrying is just wasted
energy that negatively affects our entire being.
*Live In The Moment:
We are too busy projecting what is going to happen in the future,
or remembering the hurts from the past, to stop and smell the
roses. We only have the moment at hand, so take time to
enjoy it! The past is gone, so why continue reliving it in
your mind? You cannot change it, so learn from it and move
on. We fear what the future may hold, and we are afraid to
take action because the results may not be to our liking.
But, planting the seeds of today makes tomorrow's crops possible.
Enjoy each moment as a gift, not only will you have fewer regrets
about the past but your future will become brighter.
Like farmers who neglect their cropland, worrying only about the
prices they can get for their produce, we have stopped caring
about ourselves and instead care more about external things.
God - with just the right amount of rain, mixed in with a sprinkle
of sunshine and his all encompassing love - nurtures the earth and
watches as it flourishes. We need to follow God's example
and learn how to nurture and care for ourselves. The saying
goes "you reap what you sow", and if you follow these
tips, your life will blossom with peace, love and happiness.