Encourage with
your face. This is perhaps the easiest of all.
Smile. A smile is a powerful encourager. It tells people
that they are okay. It tells people that what they are doing
is okay. For some people smiling comes naturally, while others
need to be more conscious of smiling. You know which you
are. Either way, there are probably more opportunities and
more situations where you can flash your pearly whites.
Smile. You will be encouraging when you do and you will feel
better yourself.
Encourage with
your lips. Of course we can say encouraging things.
In fact, when you started reading this list, I’ll bet you expected
the whole list to be things to say or situations in which to say
them. We all know how to be encouraging with our words.
So do it. Be supportive. Give people specific comments
and encouragement on who they are and what they are doing. Let
them know that they matter. Let them know how their work adds
value. Encourage with your lips.
Encourage with
your feet. Encouragement can come in the form of being
there. Sit in on the meeting someone asks you to attend, even
if you know they can handle it. Go to the ball game.
Your presence and attention can be powerful encouragers and
motivators. Be aware that your actions in themselves can be
encouraging, so act accordingly. First you must be there, and
then you must behave in encouraging ways.
Encourage with
your head. If all you see is what people are doing wrong,
it is hard to be encouraging. The biggest barrier some of us
have to overcome to become more encouraging is in our head – we
aren’t looking for and therefore seeing the right things. We
must focus on and look for the positive things. Look for the
good. Then use your feet, lips, face and eyes to communicate
those encouraging messages.
Okay, it's your
Get up from your
chair now. Pick one of these approaches and practice it right
Write these five
things down on an index card and carry it with you for the next
three weeks. Refer to the card often as a reminder to continue
to use these approaches to becoming more encouraging.
You will be amazed
at the new results you will see in those around you and in your own
life as well. You can do it – you can make this choice.
Kevin is Chief
Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group (KevinEikenberry.com),
a learning consulting company that helps clients reach their
potential through a variety of training, consulting and speaking