It's truly amazing to me to consider the
paradox of Living Life Fully--just how simple it can be,
yet just how complex it is at the same time. There
are so many aspects of ourselves that must be in sync with
each other if we're to feel that we're able to get the
most out of life, yet the basic concepts of acceptance and
not trying to control every aspect of our lives and
keeping things simple and trusting our own hearts can lead
us to a very full life indeed.
I suppose the problem lies in the ways that we tend to
undermine our own efforts at keeping peace with
ourselves. So many of our thoughts and actions run
counter to what we know to be necessary if we want to be
satisfied with life, that it's sometimes impossible to
keep our minds on a happy track, on things that will allow
us to feel good about who we are and where we fit into
this world of ours.
Maintaining this site certainly helps me to keep
focused. Creating so many quotations of the day and
putting so much positive material on the pages of Living
Life Fully helps me to keep my mind on the truly important
aspects of life. This morning I prepared a quotation
of the day about enjoying the little things in life, then
I prepared two meditations, one on stopping and listening
and being at peace, the other on the magical things in
life that are waiting for us to notice them. All of
these were great reminders to me that I need to focus on
the little things around me and truly appreciate them if
I'm to get the most out of this day.
But soon I'll get to work, and my job will kick
in. I'll get focused on things that "need"
my attention, and for long periods of time I'll be too
focused to notice the little things. But that's
okay, too, because working and keeping ourselves occupied
with fulfilling work is important to us, too.
Conflicts will arise, and they'll affect me depending on
how I react to them, and whether I allow them to affect me
deeply on a personal basis.
Living Life Fully is an important concept, and it is
possible for us to lead full lives. That doesn't
mean that we always have to be bright and cheerful and
smiling, but it does mean that we need to be realistic
about our place in this world and what things truly are
important to us. There's a lot of room for error, of
course, but those errors can be avoided if we pay
attention to those things that we've learned and try to
make our lives better through them. There are no
fixed rules--your life is your life, and your happiness
will be different than mine. The things that affect
you strongly may be unimportant to me, and vice
versa. The important thing is to live, to accept,
and to be the best people we can be, based on what our
hearts tell us is right for us.
Trust yourself, and trust life.